Medical & Injury

Medical Policy

Our coaches, team managers and Club officials do everything in their power to keep your child healthy and safe. However, they cannot be expected – given the number of children they supervise – to completely manage the medical needs of every child without parental assistance, especially where a child may have a serious or life threatening medical condition.

To assist us, parents’ must provide any relevant medical, dietary or other care information to their child’s coach and/or team manager. If – as happens from time to time – a child is being supervised by a coach and/or team manager that is not aware of the child’s condition, the parent must make sure the supervising adult is aware of the child’s care information.
In addition, if a child requires specialised care during training or games, a parent must be present at all times to supervise their child and provide that care.

If your child is asthmatic you must advise the coach and/or team manager.
The child must carry the relevant puffer and know their action plan.

If your child has life threatening allergies you must advise the coach and/or team manager.
The child must carry an Epipen or Anapen and know how to self-administer. Otherwise the parent or guardian must remain at training/games to supervise the child if there is a possibility of contact with the allergen.

Injuries and extra training sessions
Parents must inform the coach of any special training requirements prior to training sessions. If child has been injured or has been ill or has come from another training session, a lighter training session can be arranged.

Emergency medical treatment
In the case of a medical emergency (illness or accident) where a child’s parents can’t be contacted or it is otherwise impractical to contact them, the parents’ are deemed to have authorised:

  •  the adult in charge (i.e. coach, team manager or club official) to administer such first aid and/or to seek any emergency medical assistance, that they consider to be reasonably necessary in the circumstances; and/or
  •  their child receiving any dental, medical or surgical assistance as recommended by a qualified medical practitioner.
  • Parents are also deemed to accept all the risks involved in the administration of any necessary medical, dental, surgical or first aid treatment, and to accept responsibility for the payment of all expenses incurred in relation to such treatment (including any emergency transportation required).


FFA Concussion Guidelines set out the guiding principles regarding the management of concussion in football in Australia. All incidents of concussion are required to be treated in accordance with the FFA Concussion Guidelines including clearance by a Medical Practitioner and adherence to the Return to Play Program.

FFA Sports Injury Insurance Claims

The FFA National Insurance Program website is provided so that Players, Coaches, Volunteers and Club Officials throughout Australia may have immediate access to the policy benefits and procedures of the insurance program.

The program is provided by Gow-Gates.

FFA, State and Territory Member Federations and Gow-Gates remain committed to providing the football community with a first class Sports Insurance Programme whilst maintaining the affordability of registration.

Whilst the plan provides basic levels of cover for players and others participating in Football, it is not all encompassing (this is necessary to keep the cost of insurance affordable for players) and does not seek to replace the need for private health and other insurances.

FFA encourages all players and officials to take out their own private health insurance, life insurance and ‘Top Up’ coverage over and above the coverage provided under this plan. Gow-Gates can assist in regard to ‘Top Up’ insurance and other insurance requirements.

Further information about coverage and the Claims process is available below:

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